Unable to see dropdown values except the highlighted one in Uiflow studio
Sai Vinod Gorantla Naga
While creating an application in Uiflow studio, the drop down values are not visible.
For example, I want to select Font Style but I am unable to see all the available font from the dropdown, I can only see the highlighted one. same happens across all drop down value of font variant, style under border.
Sai Vinod Gorantla Naga
Thank You very much. The issued has been resolved. Now I am able to see drop down values without any issues even in Dark Mode.
Thank You for wonderful support.
Adam Zalt
This issue should now be resolved.
Sai Vinod Gorantla Naga
Adam Zalt: Thank You very much. The issued has been resolved. Now I am able to see drop down values without any issues even in Dark Mode.
Thank You for wonderful support.
Adam Zalt
Hi Sai, I tested a fix our team was able to publish and confirmed on my end that this looks to be resolved (via Win10 + Darkmode with Uiflow). Let us know if you are still encountering the issue with the styles dropdown not maintaining the theme moving forward. Thank you. Note: I, also, sent you a response via email.
Adam Zalt
Hi Sai, thank you for submitting this issue. I've sent you an email back from our Support inbox with some questions and further information plus tips to try to resolve this. Please respond to that email when you get a chance. Many thanks! - Adam
Sai Vinod Gorantla Naga
Adam Zalt: Hello Adam, Thank You. I responded with the requested details. I am able to work with the light mode as suggested workaround. Many thanks! - Sai.